Saturday, January 16, 2010

Breakfast Prep

Folks, tonight is the night. To prepare breakfast for tomorrow! A few years ago, my sister made the most delicious breakfast casserole one night and the next morning we indulged. Bread soaked in spices and juices and sausage linked in. Mmmmm. I never got the recipe from her but I happened upon something quite similar from the Queen of Southern Cuisine.. Paula Deen. This particular recipe is from "Christmas with Paula Deen" and it's literally filled with goodies. This will be the first time I try anything from the southern belle, but I'm excited. Everything she does is with so much love you just can't help but feel that whatever it is, it's gonna be good. As I mentioned yesterday, the in-laws and my son are here for the weekend. So I've decided to try out this particular recipe from Paula Deen...

Breakfast Casserole

I've got to prepare everything tonight and let it soak up all the goodness. Then, in the morning, it bakes for an hour and the house is supposed to smell quite yummy, according to Paula. So, for this blog, I won't be able to show a picture today. I'll get the finished goods tomorrow morning.

Mom-in-law is currently cooking the sausage which is one of the things I had to buy for this recipe. I also had to get some cheddar cheese. But that's it! So, pretty simple ingredients for a proposed scrumptious breakfast.

I'll be back in a while when things are underway...

Right off the bat, I need 4 eggs and 2 cups of milk and 1 pound of sausage. Can you spell "high cholesterol" with me??

Guess what? We're finished! It took less than 30 minutes to get from beginning to end. It's in the fridge now, soaking up deliciousness, waiting to be devoured tomorrow morning.

Have a great night everyone and I'll be back to let you know how it turns out and what everyone thought of Paula Deen's "Breakfast Casserole".



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